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[Page 52]

From start of flying until Tamworth crash - 18 hrs 34 mts.

From Tamworth crash up to overhaul Brisbane - 35 hrs 48 mts.

From top overhaul B'bane to complete overhaul Richmond - 22 hrs 53 mts.

From complete overhaul Richmond to 19/8/20 - 30 hrs 8 mts.

[Total] - 107 hrs 23 mts.

From 29/2/20 until 19/8/20

Inlet & exhaust at 6 thous. when cold & closed.

Mag. make & break best with mag. spanner feeler.  Should not be to big gap.  Mag. wipe on distributer should just wipe paint off distributer when propley [properly] adjusted.

Current Status: 