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[Page 21]
Tactical Reconn. - 4 Landings
Puffs - 1 Landing
Aerodrome - 1 Landing
Wireless - 5 Landings
Jerusalem - Forced landing, picked up by Capt. Jones on Martinsyde. Turks destroyed machine
Aerodrome - 1 Landing
St James Park Photos - 1 Landing
Tac. Teco. Erk. - 1 Landing
Tac. Reco. Erk, [indecipherable] - 2 forced landings & aerodrome with Light Horse
Strat. Reco. - 1 Landing
Cairo to Belah - Landed Kantara (2)
Tact. Erk. to Sea - 1 Landing
Strat. Reco. (Engine Dud) - Forced Landing Aerodrome
Tac. Erk. to sea & Photos - 1 Landing
Strat. Reco. (Too Cloudy for obs.) - 1 Landing
East Khan to Yunis (Breakdown Lt. Morgan) - 2 Landings
Current Status: