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a chief. I see the white flag incident is being revived this morning 24/5/15 & the Turkish officer who was responsible for the past two days white flag manouvres is once more in the fray.
I believe the terms for surrender are "The removal of troops from Gallipoli & the free passage for merchant ships through the Dardanelles. This hardly suited us considering the number of casualties our side received in effecting a landing. Our reply was "unconditional surrender" but to a request asking for an armistice to bury their dead, a time was agreed on which enabled that gruesome work being carried out. Monday the (25th of May 1915) from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. we were at peace with all & sundry; it rained throughout the morning but we were all cheerful & got out in front of the trenches in search of possible wounded, while the camp pioneers buried the dead in & around our trenches. It was a sight – the mingling of the "Cross" & the Crescent. Huge crowds of Turks were engaged in the horrible task of burying their dead & how horrible a task it was can be gleaned when hundreds of these bodies had been lying a month or more where they had fallen. I went for a tour whilst things were quiet in & around the various trenches. Stepping

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