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when the broaching was fully realized & to a commercial world person it seemed an act of extravagance to allow gallon after gallon of good wine to run to waste when a little tact & common sense would have served to convert the goods waste into useful comforts for the men who probably would have appreciated that tact in months to come. Things continue to still remain in a quiet mood, & the only thing of importance is the large gun duels which shake & quiver my poor old dugout almost to bits – salvoes & tons of shells are weekly expended from the various batteries on land & sea. We had a quiver of excitement during the present week when a party of infantry met & advanced across the intervening space into the next gully in front of the right wing & about on a level with a knoll facing Kabe Tepe & straight direct from Hellie Point. I witnessed the departure of the various companies who in addition to arms bore picks & shovels for trench digging. It promised to be a sharp attack but it enventuated into nothing more than an ordinary midnight sap & by morning sufficient earth had been removed to make things fairly comfortable. The following night the same event happened so we have now in our possession more trench & closer contact

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