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destroyers are circling with the hopes of capturing this scourge in our midst. The Triumph before sinking let her bow guns at some object close by & unoffically it is believed accounted for her assasin. We have reason to believe that in the first instance there were two Austrian & one German submarine so at present two of these terrors are at large in our midst. All shipping is being transferred across to the island west of the peninsula, which has the protection of a sand bank across its frontage & where the presence of submarines would be easily detected. It was feared tonight that an attack would be made on our right flank as suspicious movements on the part of the enemy pointed to such occurring. As this flank is flanked by the sea it was thought that the easy cover of the sea shore would attract the opposition now the main defender was missing.
We wheeled one of our 18 pounders to the beach & prepared for fun, but nothing excepting bombs & rifle fire disturbed the peace of the island peninsula. Today was much the same, shrapnel taking the leading part: the hunt still continues for the missing submarines

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