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[Page 12]

The Artillery had a night too – limbering guns practically the whole night & preparing gun pits. One poor fellow lost his life early in the morning through a fall of earth in one of the pits, & an officer was shot through the forearm. The night was awfully cold & to me trying to get warm doing nothing the morning was a positive relief. The weather remains perfect – hot days with cool nights & no pest in the shape of mosquitoes. We are more or less bothered with other vermin though, which causes a good deal of unnecessary words, also a large amount of scratching. Grovelling in the dirt, & mud stains also go unheeded, & as regards shaving, well most of the boys in our Corp are cultivating both beard & moustache. My own experience at shaving was very painful & is not likely to be repeated often. With a fortnights growth of stubble to practice on, an old safety razor with blades used several dozen times & a mirror – an inch in dimensions – I started in to make facial improvements with dire results to the face. The process demands too many precious minutes to be a pleasure & it would hardly be fair to classify it a duty. We have just received news through of a very grand victory by Russia over

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