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[Page 68]

pieces there is are to my knowledge a dozen or more howitzers, five & six inch calibre, also a large 4.7 in. gun (a Long Tom from Ladysmith) occupies a prominent position near Burgesses battery. We should be able to do anything at all soon. The turk aeroplane made an early morning visit on Friday (16/7/15) & I guess received quite a scare when he observed our Long Tom looking up towards him. The Taube dropped four bombs in the vicinity without any damage being done, owing to non-explosion. The same afternoon was rather a gloomy one in our midst owing to the death of our Sergeant from shrapnel fire. Poor chap, he was due for a commission & was looking foward to a good opening when his call came. The same afternoon saw Major C. of the 11th go out to shrapnel. I still manage to get a swim before breakfast, altho at times it gets one into difficulties. Yesterday, whilst doing my duck alone, a single shell burst overhead & treading water to observe the better, I got a momentary scare to hear the shell case fall in the water nearby my clothes. A solitary man standing on the shore got hit on the foot. The night previous, the lads

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