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but so far have heard nothing of their capture. The destroyers are busily engaged bringing troops ashore, who are singing Tipperary notwithstanding shrapnel is falling all around them.
A rather sharp attack was made early last night (28.5.15) to penertrate our lines on the left flank & with temporary success. A portion of the trenches were sapped by the Turks & charged with gun cotton – an explosion occurred & our men had to retreat into the rear trenches, the enemy in close pursuit. When they got nicely settled & were swarming our firing lines the order was reversed & the retreat was transformed into a charge with fixed bayonets - & Australians pushing them foward. A wild melee ensued in which the enemy were forced to evacuate the ground already gained by them & scamper back to their own trenches post haste. I believe great slaughter prevailed & a number of Turks were captured. Meanwhile operations on the right wing were brisk & up to a late hour the destroyer there, in lieu of battleship barked fiercely throughout the night. The enemy manouvered with the beach as their objective but the 4.7 in. guns manned by the tars completely overwhelmed them causing them to fly in all directions. A move was made towards Kabe Tepe & its environments but was spotted by the destroyer who backed out with all lights extinguished & as

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