Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 6

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Saturday, 22nd August.
Anchored off Tulagi about 7 p.m. on Wednesday, and the Doctor came off and passed us. The whole white population then came aboard, and we had to tell them all the news of the war. They had heard there was a war but had not received any official confirmation, or heard any details. Things began to get quite lively aboard the ole "Tambo", and I was introduced to all the celebrities here, such as the Manager for B.P.'s here, the Doctor, Postmaster, etc. We did not turn till about midnight that night, and had to be up at 6 in the morning, as we were moving ship to Makambo – an Island owned by Burns Philp, and on which is their Store, situated about ½ mile from Tulagi. This is a very pretty little island, though none that I have seen here can compare with Samarai, and other parts of New Guinea.

We were going on to Gizo and Faisi in the Western Division, but owing to the risk of capture – these places being near German Territory, we have decided to land all cargo at Makambo. I am disappointed at this, because the Western Islands are supposed to be very pretty indeed – beautiful snow white beaches with plenty of cocoanuts right down to within a few yards of the water. However perhaps I shall see the other part in the "Mindini" sometime.

Thursday was a very busy day, discharging the cargo, and I got pretty burnt, out in the sun all day tallying cargo. There is no Wharf here, all the cargo being lightered into boats and towed ashore by the ship's launch, where the niggers unload them, and carry the goods to B.P.'s Store. It is pretty slow work, and one

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