Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 58

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[Page 58]

try too. I guess you would all get a surprise if I was to land back with one on.

Tommy is in good condition. Had a rise the other day to Orderley Room Sergeant. That is he has 3 stripes up, and does all the clerical work on the boat, so I do not see quite as much of him as I used to. Did I tell you Eric Greenwell is on this boat too? He is quite near me, and I see him every day.

We have a canteen on board (Dry) and it does a roaring trade. It is not run for a profit exactly, and some of the things they keep are very cheap. Capstan Cigarettes 8d for 50 & Three Castles 1/3 for 50. Dene will tell you how cheap that is. There is no beer aboard for the men at all, and I daresay a lot of them are feeling better than they ever have before.

It is just lovely steaming up here. We are quite close to land, and are passing small islands & reefs all day. Every one has got over their seasickness & are all as happy as can be. We have no piano

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