Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 53

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[Page 53]

tell you, getting the basket at your feet & passing it over your head to the lad above you. The worst of it is, you can hardly notice the difference in the hold, when the hour is up, I should estimate we shift about 4 to 5 tons and hour. There are some 250 tons there, so it is going to be a long job. During the whole time work is going on, the boys are singing songs, hymns & otherwise, & really the hour passes very quickly. I never thought a human being could perspire so much. It was in our eyes, ears, mouth, & running in streams off me – Gee!! it was crook.

Some of the men are grumbling a bit at the way things have been hashed up. The reason being I suppose, that they are anxious to get to the front & are chaffing at the delay. Others talk openly of deserting the first chance they get – they're funking it, I reckon, but on the whole the crowd are taking things as a matter of course & doing all possible

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