Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 44

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[Page 44]

get them. I would also like the cutting from the paper of the departure of the 2nd Reins.

I do not think I told you before Mother, but should anything happen to prevent me coming home again, that Insurance money is yours
in full to do just as you like. Now don't think from this that I am feeling down-hearted. I'm not. To tell you the truth I have a feeling that in a year or so I shall be back in Sydney again, and with a big smile up too. I really believe we shall be back inside 12 months.

I do not know if the Censor will cut any of this out, but I believe we have to be careful what we write; any how none of us on board really know when & where we are going – it is all only surmise on our part. I daresay you know more in Sydney.

It's breakfast now, so Good bye and with tons of Love to you all.


Has Mr Newton been over to see you yet. You must explain to some people down there how it was I could not see them before I went. There were too many to do in the time.

Good-bye Mother. I do not know when I will get the next chance to post a letter. Perhaps somewhere up the Q. Coast. Does Rollo miss me? Give him a kiss.

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