Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 38

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[Page 38]

Dear Mrs F
We are having an OK trip & Alan & I are OK. Am looking after Alan heaps. Although we have any amount of influence we are unable to get leave to go ashore in the evenings.
Kindest regard to all,
Sincerely Yrs
R Thompson PS Please tell Dene I will write from Colombo

Brisbane Saturday 13th

Dear Mother

I just heard that we are going direct to England. It is pretty correct I think too. That will be O.K. won't it? I do not know if you will get this, if the Censor sees it you won't, but I am relying on "INFLUENCE" again.

You had better address all letters to Vic Barracks & they will forward them on to me. Are leaving here tonight for Colombo I think, so should have plenty of time to write during that time.

Must cease now to get this away. Much love to all

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