Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 30

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[Page 30]

receipts for which I have enclosed under separate cover.

The "Wakefield" which was at Samarai when we arrived from Port Moresby, came alongside on the 19th October, and we delivered to her, Six tons Coal and 2000 gallons fresh water, obtaining triplicate receipts for same. I handed one to Port Moresby Branch, the others being handed in to Head Office.

We landed at Samarai a little Overcarried Cargo, which we were unable to put out before, and loaded some 37 Tons Copra, 1 Box Gold consigned to the Bank of New South Wales, and 1 Box Pearl Blisters for Mrs Arbouin C/- of your goodselves – Value £ 25. Shipping Receipt for the latter has been posted to you by Samarai Branch.

We finished loading the Copra at 12.20 p.m. on Monday 26th Oct, and sailed for Port Moresby at 12.30, arriving there at noon next day.

The "Morinda" berthed alongside the Government Wharf on arrival, and started loading Timber, this being a sample shipment, shipped by and consigned to The Papua Company, and consisting of some 32000 Super.feet. We also took in 46 Bales Sisal Hemp (20 tons) and 110 Bags Mauritius Beans. (These bags were not in good condition, there being a lot of holes in them

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