Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 28

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[Page 28]

"Morinda" 7.

5th November 1914.

The Manager,
Island Department,
Messrs Burns Philp & Co. Ltd.,

Dear Sir,

Following on Mr Kennedy's report.

The Woodlark Island cargo was finished at 9 a.m. on Saturday the 24th October, and the "Morinda" sailed at noon, arriving at Samarai at 6 on Sunday morning. The tide not being suitable the ship did not go alongside the Wharf till about 9 a.m.

After sending the mail ashore, I went and saw Mr. Aumuller, and showed him your radio message re the price of copra. He told me he had a little, but was going to keep it at Samarai till the "Marsina" same along, to see if a better price was offering. I then went and interviewed Mr. Faris of Messrs Whitten Bros. He had about 26 tons of Copra in Samarai, but I could not induce him to sell any to the steamer – he has consigned it to Sydney, by this vessel.

Mr. Clunn of Messrs Clunn & Sons likewise would not sell any to me, thinking he would be able to get a better price in Sydney, but has shipped some 10 Tons as cargo.

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