Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 27

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[Page 27]

time. I was up here in the "Matunga", and saw the exact spot where Capt. Cook beached the "Endeavour" when she had that big hole in her from running on the reef. It is a queer old town. There is not much doing now in the way of business, though the 7 or 8 pubs of which the town boasts, all seem to be making a "do" of it, and there must only be a couple of hundred people altogether. It's a very thirsty climate though to live in.

We should get in about Friday next, unless we are instructed at Brisbane to call in at Newcastle for coal on our way South, in which case it will be about Sunday.

Well, its pretty late, so I think I shall turn in for a while.

Trusting you and the family are all O.K.


Thank Hazel for her letter – I'm sorry to hear Olly has not been too good.

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