Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 116

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the showers and they are always nice and cold. After a good hard rub down we all feel as fit as fiddles, and could go over the days work again right away. Leave is granted to all every night till 10 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Tomorrow (Sunday) I am going out to the Pyramids – am not going to miss them this time. I went out to Ghozireh Hospital to see Nurse Woods a few days ago but she has gone to a Hospital in England – Needless to say I was very disappointed. Today I met a lad back from the Front who was in the 2nd Reins and knew Bob Newton well. He left Gallipoli only in October and he said Bob was quite O.K. and had not been scratched up till then. Mrs Newton might like to know that.

Our O.C. told us today we would be going across very soon now, probably inside 2 weeks, and we are all longing for the time to pass. Have taken some photos, and will post the films home before I leave for the Front. The food is A.1. here and we can buy about 10 large tomatoes & onions for 1 piastre (2½?) as we make a very tasty dinner out of it.

How is everyone at home? I have had no letters yet, and am just longing to hear a bit of news. I will write again before I leave and probably will send you a cable as soon as I know definitely. Good-bye for a short time, and write as often as you can.

Love to you all.


Enclosed is a little hanky for Rollo.

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