Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 90

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[Page 90]

your own discretion about it.

It is a pity I am just a bit too late for the Silver Wedding – Helen said you looked quite young – "as young as Hazel or I" were her words, but better luck next time. I may be there for the Golden wedding.

Well, Mother, there is not much news to tell you now – I'll talk plenty when I get home – which I hope will be this week sometime.

With Love to all the family – and Helen if she is still at Dene Gully

Your loving son.

PS I do not want to upset any arrangements Dene may have made re that little matter, but thought I would mention it in case Dene did not know what to do with all his money. Does he know when he is going away? I'm afraid this is rather a scrawl, but it is cold here and my hand is nearly numb. My word it gives us some 'hurry up" in the mornings when we roll out for our wash & breakfast not to mention doing sentry all hours of the night.

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