Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 87

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[Page 87]

Section, Capt. Baker, was wounded and another lad named Birmingham was killed. Its rather hard on me being here & reading about all this, when I ought to be there with them, but I daresay there is plenty to be done yet, and I hope I won't be long here before getting away again.

How is everyone at home? You can write to me here, and I am dying to hear something from home. I am going to write to Tom Bochine now I think he will get a surprise when he hears from me too.

Goodbye now, Mother, and don't forget I am quite well, so don't you worry at all. I may be home any day or it may be a week or so before I can get leave.

With Love to you all

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