Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 84

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[Page 84]

Camp. Langwarrin
Tuesday 25/5/15

Dear Mother,

I guess this will be a surprise for you – but it is just as big a surprise to me. I never thought when I left Australia I would be back so soon. I hope you have not been worrying too much at not having heard from me for so long, because I am O.K. I hope to be home to see you before long. But to begin at the beginning.

I think last time I wrote I was in the Hospital at Heliopolis. I told you I had influenza but I had worse than that. I had been in Hospital about a week & had pretty well recovered from my cold, when I got very feverish and malaria broke out. I had a pretty rotten time for a week or two, but got over it alright as you can see.

Altogether I was 5 weeks in the Hospital and when I came out I was pretty weak & thin. Of course I was not made to drill or do any work and just loafed about convalescing. I had only been out a few days, when one afternoon an Officer came up & told me I was going to Australia the next

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