Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 165

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[Page 165]

the boys have had tents to sleep in. Before that they used to sleep in dug-outs in the sand with a waterproof spread over the top to keep the dew out a bit. It was bitterly cold, and they only had 2 blankets each, and the diet was not guaranteed to make you fat. Bully-beef & biscuits day after day & sometimes a stew – made of the bully beef & a few spuds or onions. All the same I don't think it will be long before we are down there; I am expecting it to come out in Orders every night. There does not seem much prospect of a fight down there, so I don't know where we will end up.

On hearing of Dene's engagement, I sent a cable to you. Did you ever receive it? Yours came to hand O.K. & Mr Hand our O.C. happened to be here when it came. He told me to clear out first thing on 28th Jan and he didn't want to see me till next day.

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