Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 164

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[Page 164]

10 days ago, and again yesterday. He is camped over at Abbassia, and has Joined the Camel Corps. Likes it very much too. He looks remarkably well, though seems to be such a boy to be over here. Jim Coy, the Gowings, and about 6 other boys from Lindfield are all camped nearby, and I often see some of them. We are thinking of having our photos taken altogether, though I am afraid we shall not be able to get several of the Lindfield boys, as they have gone down to Tel-el-kabir. About a week ago we had orders to move off, but only about 100 out of 150 were wanted, and sure enough I was told to stay behind, as I knew the run of things here, as far as pay & Orderly Room work was concerned. However I don't mind that so much, because things are pretty bad down at Ismalia & Tel-el-Kabir, and it is only during the last 10 days or so, that
[Have also seen Nelson Smith. Has been to England & Malta in fact has seen quite a lot of the World. I am going to try & work in a trip to England out of this too. Saw Douglas Rae (Lieut) driving along in a carriage yesterday, but did not have a chance to speak to him.]

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