Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 152

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[Page 152]

pretty hard time. That kick he got played up with his health for some time, and between ourselves – he was a bit "dotty" for a long time, but Jim says he seems to have quite recovered now. Les Wynne is quite OK, I see him often. He is in one of the photos I am sending home. In one of the Sunday Times, Father sent me, I noticed a picture of the 13th Batt Comforts Fund store in Sydney. On the cases you could plainly see the address – 13th Batt etc; As you will see by some of the photos of the Orderly Room I am sending you, one of the boxes stand out very prominently & you can see the print printing on it. I cut out the picture from the Times & am going to send it, along with one of my photos to the Committee in Sydney, it may interest them.

I think I told you in one of my previous letters that it was getting
cold here. Well it is
cold now. The last few days have been awful. A strong wind blowing the sand everywhere, and bitterly cold. It was just as well the boys left Gallipoli, because I'm sure its raining and snowing over there, and I pity the Tommies who are still hanging on to the Cape Helles portion.

We hear rumours of a big attack on the Canal very soon & certainly they are gathering

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