Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 124

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[Page 124]

absolutely in the pink. Tea is at 5 pm and tinned fish, bread & jam, and sometimes preserved fruits (tinned) are brought to light. After that we are free, & can go to Heliopolis or Cairo or write letters, in fact anything we like. All have to be in by 9.45 and lights out at 10 pm. By this you can see we are kept going pretty well during the day, and it does not take long to get into condition. I haven't an ounce of fat on now, & have only been here 3 weeks, so by the time we have been here 6 weeks, we should be fit to leave for the Front. We have not heard anything definite about going, but it is rumoured that we will not go till 27th December, though I sincerely hope we are gone long before that.

Some of the work is very interesting, and I think most of us are finding out

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