Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 123

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[Page 123]

parade varies. Sometimes it is a route march, or trench digging or bayonet fighting. It gets very warm by 10 am, and the dust & flies make it rather hard work. We return to Camp again about 12.30 or 1pm (Just according to what kind of a mood the Officer is in), and then comes dinner. Stew & bread are the items on the menu & sometimes tinned fish.
We have a bit of a spree after dinner, and do not fall in again till 2.15. Then comes the same old thing – out on to the desert – and we may have skirmishing or out post duty or company drill, returning again at 4.15. A wild rush is then made for the showers, and they are always nice & cool, even on the hottest of days. After a good rub down, most of us feel real good & fit for anything. Myself I have not had due "off" day since I have been here, and am

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