Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 206

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[Page 206]

The Canal

My dear Mother,

Your letters are coming to hand now & I have received quite a number lately. The last letters from Home were 20th March, though I have received one (not from home!) dated 27th March, so there could not be very much wrong with the mails.

There is practically no news to tell you. We are still at Serapeum and things go on in the same old [indecipherable] & [indecipherable] way. It is getting very hot now indeed with frequent dust storms nearly every day in fact, so the sooner we are out of here the better. Surely they cannot keep us here, doing nothing, much longer. We heard a few days ago, about General Townshend capitulating in

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