Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 201

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[Page 201]

battle Verdun is, some of the accounts of the fighting there are very vivid. If we are all flopped down in that place, I'm afraid its "good-bye Private Fry", though a man may be lucky enough to only get wounded. It's a wonderful thing, considering the hundreds of thousands of men in the War, how few are killed outright. By far the majority are only wounded, and are able to go back and try to get the fellow that did the damage. But don't you worry Mother, the German hasn't enlisted yet, that is going to get me. I heard confidentially that he was under age, and his Ma won't let him join for another two years, and by that time it will be all over, and I'll be having a singles with Dene down on the Court. It is getting rather late now Mother and as I appear to be wandering a bit I had better turn in. Will write soon and tell you how I am getting on. Love to All the family – Alan

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