Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917 - Page 194

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[Page 194]

and the thing that struck one lad next to me most was the horse he was riding, for he turned round to me and said "Cripes! Cobber that's some neddy, "Walsee's " riding isn't it?" Royalty evidently didn't trouble him much, and though some people may think it rather disrespectful, it was not meant in that way at all, as anyone who knows Australians, will know. It doesn't matter a fig to most of them, if it is Royalty or anyone else inspecting them; they are not going to run mad with joy & make a great fuss just because someone rides through the Camp on a horse. It was the first time that I can remember having seen any of the Royal family, and the Prince of Wales looked very young indeed to be taking an active

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