Item 01: Leo Walsh war diary, 1 January 1916-23 February 1917 - Page 52

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<p>[Page 52]<br />March 11 Sat Went out for Physical excersise (foot drill) as usuall. Breakfast, Parade 10 a.m. Signaling for about an hour. Head Quarter staff work so far is very light. A few letters arrived for 14/1 I have not received a letter since leaving Adelaide. Full dress Parade this afternoon Colonel Cox &amp; Hobbs presented medal to a Gunner &amp; Driver for Brave Deeds.</p><p>March 12 Sun Attended Mass with Grr Thorn this morning in a sand valley out in the desert. C.E. &amp; other church services near by (all open air) Bands playing everywhere No mail yet. Walked down to the Australian 5th Division 15th Brigade to see Capt (indecipherable) Crespin Major now. he was very pleased to see me and said he would write to The Colonel (Tunbridge about me.</p>

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