Item 01: Leo Walsh war diary, 1 January 1916-23 February 1917 - Page 109

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<p>[Page 109]<br />July 3 Mon We went to the Training camp again. We are having a very easy time here on the Etaples Australian Base 5th Divisional Artilery Camp and the living is not too bad Our mess huts or dinning halls and kitchens are not finished yet. The Beer Canteens are doing a great trade.</p><p>July 4 Tues Nothing much to do today only Parade to Bullrink with our overcoats raining to-day the little girls crowd along the road sides selling fruit and chockolates just the same rainy days and all. they range from the ages of 8 years upwards Spearmint chewing gum is all the go with them.</p>

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