Item 01: Leo Walsh war diary, 1 January 1916-23 February 1917 - Page 88

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<p>[Page 88]<br />May 22 Mon and 23 Tues Revallie at 1 a.m. this morning all mounted and went out on big manouver left about 3 a.m. I rode a mule a troublesome nag to ride and very hard to mount Aeroplanes came out with us, also Infantry A.M.C. Cyclist Corps Camels Back for 9 AM Breakfast our Corporal&nbsp;was&nbsp;pulled his horse over on himself No other accidents Reported at H.Q. at 1 P.M with 6 others from 51st. We were marched to D.A.C. then told to report back to our respective Batterys. Bomb. Prior (clerk) put transfer in for me for A.I.F. Canteens. I also saw Noel Moorhouse and he wrote reccomended me for a position there I am now waiting to hear</p>

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