Item 01: Leo Walsh war diary, 1 January 1916-23 February 1917 - Page 134

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<p>[Page 134]<br />Aug 22 Tues X Went to Confession &amp; Communion over at 5. 4th Battery 7 A.M. Still on Guard. a few aeroplanes around doing some good observing Wonderfull work Leiut Sheppard &amp; I were looking for a supposed spie last night. I had rifle loaded &amp; cocked. a bullet (stray one) wizzed close to my head last night. Priest called.</p><p>Aug 23 Wed Up early cleaned out the &ldquo;Funk hole&quot; dug out The Priest arrived and we had Mass three of us at 8 A.M Others all asleep I went to Holy Communion Did some writing. I received three letters from home yesterday firs 1st since I left Egypt. one from &ldquo;Yarroll. Gass helmets were examined to day</p>

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