Cicognani diary, 1 November 1914-September 1915 / Henry Claude Cicognani - Page 43

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[Page 43]

live on. The nights are quite cold & this morning there was a heavy fog; but the days "Phew".
The Pyramids & the Sphinx are about fifteen minutes walk from where we are camped. There is a native village about a mile to the north of us & a grove of date palms; to to east are the Pyramids, with the Sphinx a few hundred yards beyond; further on is Mena village, & about six miles from where we are still further east is the ancient city of Memphis – now only mud villages. The villages of mud huts are queer looking. The natives seem to have started with a great idea, & to have left off half way; the houses are finished off square at the top, & are thatched over with reeds.

The Nile is a broad river, about 4000 miles long; but it is not a very clean one. They have just completed a new iron bridge over at Cairo costing £ 40000. The Boulac –

Next Monday the Turkish flag is to be hauled down & the British flag hoisted. Egypt will then be done with Turkey & under British protection. Some think there might be trouble but I don't think so by the way the people view it when you speak to them of it. Every hour of the day there are quaint things to be seen here to amuze one, the people are so funny.

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