Cicognani diary, 1 November 1914-September 1915 / Henry Claude Cicognani - Page 89

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[Page 89]

war like gear which he had given in exchange for some Australian curios. The Turkish cigarettes were smoked by a good number & possibly a good number of "Flags" were given to the members of the "Crescent". Meanwhile the work of burying the dead still progressed & the number of Turkish dead who had to be interred still remained very large. I left the group to whom I had attached myself & thought it hard that in a few hours all friendly bouts would cease & shot & shrapnel would once more be predominant, but such is the fate, or I should say, the situation. Most of our lads took advantage of the lull & put the day in the ocean – bathing. Towards 2 p.m. the sandy stretch of beach reminded one of Cronulla or Maroubra so numerous were the bathers & as the day advanced it became so thick I had grave fears of the trenches in case of treachery. Towards four word was passed around & on the stroke of four excepting for those on duty, the men were all back at their respective posts, awaiting Mr. Turk as a foe. During the day a few Turks hopped across to our side & promptly surrendered having had sufficient of the war.

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