Cicognani diary, 1 November 1914-September 1915 / Henry Claude Cicognani - Page 76

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[Page 76]

whilst the swell continues to roll in. We have now arrived to the centre of 1915 (July 1) & still remain in our subterranean home, without much chance of changing. It makes an ideal prehistoric picture but when you do it for three months without a break it gets a trifle slow. We had a little break from trench warfare on the 28th ult. Word came, as also did action, that the corp down south were trying a foward move & asked for our co-operation. That morning I was attached behind the 10th battalion & was interested in the actions of the Scottish Battery who were having a try out with their howitzers at short range. Their elevation was rather low & it was rather dangerous to show on the sky line owing to the shells just skimming over the top. Things were going very well when we were all littered with shrapnel owing to a premature burst from one of our field guns on the hill opposite & just as we were nicely settled again, the fourth shot from the howitzer buried itself in the hilltop under the Q.M. Store. Just imagine a five inch shell containing lyddite smashing into a house & doing no damage – you have an example - here, the only bad result was a soldier

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