State Library of NSW
17 dana wauwu nimangu Kadarai: nayum gari they spirits grave-to come those (only) not yendu; wauwu peba ngamu gura daumingai others: spirits father, mother and friends danangangala nulu nadetchi: guranulu wauwu them - indeed he saw: and he spirit yendu damai nayum dauum bama yendume. another speared this one friend men others - of. Gura dana Kanaigo bama duyu bantchentchi And they before men corpse waited at gura bobo dubil. Ngandongai bobo nayum and place leave. Women place this gari-budongo waminda, dudan namodirbe not at all should come to, roads the same - on, galmba gari Kadanda, purai galmba gari also not should travel, water also not pudanda bobo tabul-ugab, murga namodir should drink, place 'tabu'- with. Only there-with tabul dirainggur pudaral: ngandongai pudanda tabu old men drink: women would drink danangan Kundanda, dana namongubudo yenil them would kill. they therefore - indeed fright [???] dana netchin dudan yendiome dadara: murga they always road other - on go: only diraiggur dudango dadara. Gura duyu niokul old men road-on go. And corpse old matega Kana, dana moari gura walar duyu-wego has become first, they hair and beard corpse - on acct of wokelkil gura Kadagai nangunga bauwalal, gari cut off and properly his - of burn, not warkangamu, mundalgo bera. Ngandongai all together some - only of course. Women galamba moari workil. Moari Kana wokega garko also hair cut. Hair [??} have cut then dana ungga batcheltchil warkanganu duyuwegu? they weeping cry all together the dead - for
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