Letter received by Banks from Philip Gidley King, December 1804-12 January 1805 (Series 39.092) - No. 0006

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discovered at Prospect, but when I inform you that the discoverer is bereft of his Senses & is under treatment as a Lunatic you will not wonder at such a report. To put it past a doubt I have sent a specimen of the Sand.

Previous to the Lady Barlow's sailing I have received letters from Paterson who the principal purport of which you will observe in the Gazette of the 16th.  He does not speak decidedly of the prospect he has, but in a private letter to me he says he has but little doubt that his next Report will be of the most humble kind. His official letter to me I have sent to Lord Hobart as well as that of Capt Kent.  I have strongly recommended two years provisions & Stores with 200 men & 100 women being sent there without touching [?] at this place.

I have also received a second about letter from Collins dated Nov.10 & am sorry to say that they still continue very sickly having lost upwards of 9 men since 9th last August the disease



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