Letter received by Banks from Philip Gidley King, December 1804-12 January 1805 (Series 39.092) - No. 0005

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subjects which you will observe are more or less detailed in that mode of Information.  Our Settlement at Newcastle is going on extremely well under the direction of Lieutt. Menzie's from whence we get plenty of very fine coal & cedar, which gives constant employment to our most disaffected Characters.

The allotment I have made of Commerce & the Grounds that have been located about these Settlements has nearly taken up the whole of the disposable grounds without going on the other side of the Nepean, which I should consider as a very impolitic measure & will greatly annoy the Wild Cattle which are multiplying very fast nor is there any probability of their going beyond the Mountains.

After as many Settlers as can be fixed are placed at Port Dalrymple & the Rivers at Newcastle It will be advisable to examine [indecipherable], of which Bass gives so good an account. Unles Bass has reached England by any mishap. It is much feared either himself or Vessell is lost, perhaps in the same manner as the unfortunate people of the Portland & Union America Ships.

Among the wonderful reports imported into England from this Colony you may hear of a Gold mine being

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