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side, runs very Steep, and a very high Mountain, and within about two Miles of the top runs very scrubby, Intermixed with many Vines, and particularly at the very top, & on the other side we saw a very fine Meadow, flat Country with many Kangaroos & Emus The Timber runs very thick & short, and scarce ten trees on an Acre
distance 16 Miles
January 28th - Course WSW
The land runs much the same, the timber there with a good many stringey Bark trees, and a little further we saw a Number of Meadows and a Hundred Acres of Land without a Tree upon it, here we saw a party of Natives. Wilson run & caught one of them a Girl thinking to learn something from them, but her language was so different from that one which we had with us that we could not understand her, We kept her all Night, but she Cried & fretted so much that the next Morning, we gave her a Tomahawk, & sent her to the rest of the Natives, which were covered with large skins which reached down to their Heels, here we came to the top of a fine Hill in the Middle of the day, and took a View of the Country, we saw nothing very promising, the land seemd open few trees, we saw to the Southward, a few high Mountains, but good land towards them, to the Westward we saw a Brook down the Country