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March 11th worked over during the night at the bungs

[March] 12th Fermentation abated has not been very violent filled up No 2 cask (the sweated from No 1 and filled up No 1 with about 20 gals of No 56/2

[March] 13  Wine still sweet but very strong

[March] 21st Has combined to work gently since the 13th - No 2 being filled up from No 1 and No 1 from the gonnis - is now very fresh & strong & scarcely sweet it all to the taste.

12th March. Calemberg worked up gently during the night and threw off some scum then become still & began to clear itself.

[March] 16th removed it to [indecipherable] at the House which rendered it turbid again -

Current Status: 
Ready for review