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December 1819

18th Dr Burcham
1lb Gn Tea 7/-
1 Blk Do 4/-
12 Sugar 18/- — 1bs Tobacco 4/- Total 1.13.0
A Bag of Sugar for the use of
the House —Wt 224 lbs Gross
[Bowman?] ½bs Tea 3bs Sugar
Paid for 12 fowls /Milson/                      £1..1..
Decr 20th killed Two Wethers 50bs each
Mr Bigge a side - - - - - 25 } 2lbs Butter
Judge Advocate - " - - -25 }
Mr Field Forequarter - -13 }
Mr Wolstonecroft .. - - - 13 }
Mr Cordeaux Hindquarter 12}
Cottage ———— " - - - -12 }
Sent on board L'Uranie, Monr de Freycinet 
Two Merino yearling rams one ewe and
1680lbs of Hay —
Moore 8bs Pork - 2½ bushels wheat £1

Current Status: 
Ready for review