Volume 07 Item 03: John Macarthur day book, November 1818-March 1820: No. 062
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May 1819
4th Hawkins a Blue Jacket 20/- 2 yards Buff Stripe
3/4 yard Dow[?] 4 Skeins Thread
£1..10..2 Total amt.
5th.. Cash for an order of £1.0.0
from Camden as a prize to Cornwaller £1..0..0
John Lee 6 yards Blue Gurrah
A female lamb dropped in Merino flock
6th Bought 8 1/2 Bushels fo Corn @5/- -- £2..2..6
Killed a wether W. 46lb
Mr Guise Cash .. .. .. .. £2..0..0 2..0..0
3 yards English Paint @ 3/6 10..6
3 yard Blue Gurrah 1/6 - .4..6
2 yds English Check 2/- .4..0
1 Blue Jacket .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1..0..0
3 Skeins Blue 4 White 2 Brown 0.0.11
Thread ____ £4..19..11
Summers a Cotton Hand of 3/-
Mc Laughlin 2 [ditto][ditto] 6/- Cash _ 0..2..6
John Lee 1 1/4 Waist coating ____ 5..0
1 1/4 Dow[?] _____ 3..1
6 Skeins Thread .6