
[Page 52]
                    April 1819
6th Paid [?] Cooper for Sugar  _               £20.6.8
              to be carried to credit of W.A
"    Corn for the Horses ____________         ".5 " 0
                         (Ration Money to
"     Denning Sundries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _          4.0.0
7th  Washing [?] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                      17.3
"   Mary McA. Shoemaker_____________   1.16.0
" H.Mc.A. due on account of [?]                        .5.0
" Turnpike  __________________________  .1.8
" 2 Martingals _ _ _ _ _                                   1.0.0
7th Recd from R Cheers for
      12 Wethers @ 30/-   ______________      18.0.0
" --Recd fromMr . Lawson for in payt of
    His Note of Hand for 3. Rams  -                   33.10.0
" Hibbard  1l Tea7/-  6ls Sugar 6/-
8th Killed a Wether W  50lb
"  Ram died from Lee's [?] flock


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