
[page 102]
                                     July 1819
     The total amount of the Invoice,
as you will observe is ______ £262..1..9
as a set off against w.t I am
to receive 10 Chests Hyson Skin Tea
@ £11.0.0 p.r Chest £110.0.0
3 Chests Conguse tea @ £8..10.0__ 25..10..0
1½ Ton of Sugar @ £80 pr ton 120..0..0              255..10..0
leaving a Balance in my favour of £6..11..9
on this acc.t
     Mr Hau.l Macarthur will be in Sydney
in the course of the week & will make the
necessary arrangements with you for the removal
of the Teas & Sugars to this Place.
July 28th 1819                I remain ?
Killed 1 Sheep sent a ? to Mr. Fields.


Current Status: 
Ready for review