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a moment in Pronouncing it a Petrified Bone or at least a fragment of one.
2nd - This morn calld upon Mrs Purvis to take Leave was shewn by her the Old Fashion of Mourning rings with hair it was gold very thick & hollow in which the hair was containd which was seen through the outside which was flowers with open work between. At ½ past 11 set sail for Chatham Wind Blowing Strong at WSW & a great sea turnd it up in about 2 hours & half, S.r Thos: & self very sick an old woman aboard causing much Entertainment by her fears &c.
3d - Went on board the Yarmouth to attend a Court Martial held there where I gaind a very high Idea of the Equity of such courts which seem to be a true trial perparium [possibly preparium]. where every one must of nessessity be well accquainted with their Code of Laws, I mean the Articles of war to Guard against all Possibility of being overawd. An oath of Secresy is administerd to every member & the Judge Advocate to this Purpose You are not to declare the vote or opinion of any member of this Court unless thereunto requir'd by Act of Parliament the Court is as open & publick as Possible till Sentence is to be considerd of by the members when it is Cleard till they have resolvd what it shall be.
4th - This morn set out For London Walkd up