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Provenance Note
This journal was previously located at ML MSS 743/3. It was acquired for the Library from the London bookseller Francis Edwards in December 1946.
Provenance Note
Digital order no:Album ID : 1290475
Background Note
On 21 February 1767 Joseph Banks set out from London on an excursion through the northern region of the county of Kent returning to London on 4 March. In the company of his relatives, Robert and Bridget Banks-Hodgkinson, he visited manufacturing, shipbuilding and industrial sites, viewed the natural history collections of acquaintances and witnessed a court marital. Subjects: Banks-Hodgkinson, Bridget (nee Williams), d. 1792 Banks-Hodgkinson, Robert, 1722-1792 Chatham (Kent, England) Courts-martial - England Manufacturing - England Natural history - England Rochester (Kent, England) Sheerness (Kent, England) Sheppey (Kent, England)
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