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[Page 42]

It is necessary I should say something concerning the above sheets, as it is a subject that at one time I never thought of entering into, and though it is the first attempt, it most likely will be the last. Its chief appearance is owing to a gloom covering the minds of the people, which renders them in a manner as enervated, from which  murmur and discontent proceed, but yet every one afraid to speak openly, as if subject to an arbitrary despot.  For such a situation of affairs, nothing tended to give relief to the public mind, but the bare hopes of that time when the Gov. would quit the colony.

When I made up my mind to write the above statement, I scarcely exceeded two pages before I withdrew from it, and near a year elapsed before I could set myself about it again, at which time I wrote it of at hand without any farther delay.  In what I say has transacted, is nothing more than a recital of facts, though prudence in a few instances might have told me to have been more delicate, and which would have been the case had I been writing to the public.  But for to represent facts in a true and clear light upon such a subject, without alluding to one individual more than another, will be found as difficult and tedious as in giving every spring a comparative degree of force, in the most admired machinery ever invented by human art.

I have omitted several matters which ought to have been equally inserted as many of the rest but this would have been entering into too long a detail for one of my capacity.  What I have aimed at was to be concise, and to use impartiality, but I am afraid that the sense of the latter, will only be understood but by those who have had occular demonstration: for it is impossible to fix a medium until we are acquainted with the extremes; these are more frequently verbally communicated by the conversation of the day, either publicly or secretly, than by transferring with the pen

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