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ground and wider upwards, they entirely reverse it.  The wood is not as good for such purposes as could be wished, yet that does not prevent them from running upon the modern plan, but merely from the want of knowing how.  And such is the case in general with all other sorts of workmanship.  But it is to be lamented, that there is not better work turned out, not only for the present consumption, but to inculcate a different notion to the rising generation, by whom the colony must be expected to be improved the most, for the generality of all that come, whether voluntarily or not, imbibe a notion of returning, which is a great check upon improvements, though it is probable that not one in twenty will compleat their wish.

Weaving has made its appearance, both in the linnen and woolen line but it is not conducted upon the plan that is so well known in the neighbourhood of Manchester, which is not done with only twice the expedition, but with twice as much care.  This great improvement is very simple, and only attended with a few shillings more

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