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[Page 26]

the different cargoes &c.  But they had also other advantages, by having grants of land, and others which they had purchased.  They had several prisoners which were upon the stores, and what extra ones they employed, they paid their wages in property, charging an enormous price for it..  Good gains were reaped by issuing promissory notes, which were chiefly upon demand, which were considered as good as coin or sterling. And though upon demand, they might be out a long time before they return it to the drawer, and probably then were often times took up in selling some article at an extravagant price.  These promissory notes have given rise to several forgeries.  As these notes had become so common, we need not wonder what became of the coin that was brought here at times, for that would soon be hoarded up.  But upon the whole, the it evidently appears, that they had hit upon a genteel plan of getting money out of the British Treasury.

 What I am now going to assert will most likely create enemies, (if I have not done that already) yet as it seems to me to be the only way to cut of the source, or fountain of evil, I shall not be afraid in speaking.  Though the military officers have of late been much checked in trafficking, yet these are some 

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