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form a crowd in waiting, as only one person is but generally permitted to go up at once. I look upon it, there are many shopkeepers, who with only the same assistance, would do ten times as much business in the same time, and with ten times less trouble. What a contrast between this and a regular shop! In the latter you have choice for your money, and thanked for your custom. There are many people that he has refused, though they wanted the articles for their own use, or consumption. I cannot give you a better proof of the multiplicity of business that the Gov. has upon his hands, In than in the following. I myself wanted a little crockerware, but not having mentioned in the list, otherwise than crockery, he told me he could not sign it, unless I expressed every particular article. It seems that there has been partiality in trading, for some masters of ships have not been suffered to sell their merchandise, owing as it has been said, of displeasing the Governor, but in such cases as these the public suffer, for instead of checking monopoly it increases it.
Of late deaths have been numerous, but during my first year's residence I considered them as rare, and remarked the healthiness of the climate. The flux or dysentery is the most prevalent disease. But it cannot be attributed to arise from such a cause as in other foreign climes, as the colony has not yet arrived at that period to produce such luxuries. It